Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Next Wave

Recession 2.0

In many ways I believe that history is repeating itself. Economists maintain that the economy is cyclical peaks and troughs etc. Recessions/depressions come and go and people struggle through and deal with them with that infallible spirit and human ingenuity that always comes to the fore in times of strife. I could continue this post in a similar depressing theme but I wont because I want people to actually read this! :). Instead how about the immigration and global travel that a recession inevitably sparks. I am a staunch believer in the mantra that travel broadens the mind. Well recessions jolt people into life, out of ruts and into airports with a rucksack and a renewed zeal to see the world. Mass exodus of Irish people to Australia, America, England and everywhere else in between has occurred all over again. The recession allows people re-evaluate their life choice, say feck it Ive always wanted to live in a hut on the beach in Costa Rica and go do it....

Its Cancun...but you get the picture...